Saturday, 4 February 2012
hai..i hope all of you already brush a teeth. why i'm saying like that because now i would like to tell what is means by a toothpaste for me. for me toothpaste is important and needed in brush a teeth. we will feel uncomfortable when brush a teeth without toothpaste. i will uncomfortable when i brush my teeth without toothpaste even one time. now, we can see a lot of type toothpaste for example darlie, colgate and many agains. but, for me the best toothpaste is colgate. because i already has been used it for along years. i feel comfortable when used it and my teeth also no problem when i used colgate. because i already used colgate for along years i feel uncomfortable when using the other toothpastes. using colgate maked my teeth more bright and look beautiful. that help me more confident to smile or laugh. so, no matter what is it colgate is always my first toothpaste. it is the true meaning of my toothpaste. that all for my story and bye....